
Why do you need to install an EV charger at the condominium

Why do you need to install an EV charger at the condominium


J.D. Power conducted a study in 2021 to determine where electric vehicle drivers prefer to charge their vehicles. The results are not surprising because most drivers charge their electric vehicles at home either exclusively or most of the time. So, our point here is that if condominium owners want to keep desirable tenants and draw in new ones to their apartments, installing an EV charger on their premises is the best idea.

Why do we need an EV charger facility in condominiums?

Why do we need an EV charger facility in condominiums


Charging stations for electric vehicles (EVs) are reasonably simple to set up in private residences like homes. But, the same does not apply to residential complexes like condos and apartments. Sales of electric vehicles hit 6.6 million in 2021, At the same time, Electric vehicle sales in the first quarter of 2022 surpassed 2 million. Because of the ever-increasing demand for electric vehicles , the world’s electrical infrastructure for recharging electric vehicles is in dire need of modernization and improvement, particularly in condominiums and other residential buildings.

What do you have to consider when installing an EV charger in your condo house?

What do you have to consider when installing an EV charger in your condo house?


The building’s existing electrical infrastructure is one of the most critical variables when selecting a plan. Less likely, free power can be drawn from older buildings than from more recently constructed ones.

In certain circumstances, installing the necessary electrical infrastructure to service one hundred per cent of the residential units in a condominium complex will not be feasible financially. In the long run, the best solution for these situations will be to invest in a small number of shared stalls and require residents who drive electric vehicles to complete the remainder of their requirements at the expanding public network of fast-charging stations.

If you face the above issue, load-share technology can make an electric vehicle charging station more financially viable, even though the power needs of individual charging stations for EVs change based on the installed device. This choice expands the number of charging ports utilized within the building without requiring an increase in its total electrical capacity.

As mentioned above, when you are interested in installing an EV charger in your apartment, you must consider the amount of accessible electrical capacity in the building’s common areas. In addition to this, it is necessary to consider the total number of electric vehicles housed within the building, as well as the potential for additional owners of EVs to need their vehicles charged. Simply put, condominium buildings must have multiple electric vehicle charging stations installed to accommodate the needs of existing and prospective EV owners residing in the building.

Important steps to follow when you install an EV charger in your condominium space.

Important steps to follow when you install an EV charger in your condominium space


  • Determine whether the electrical infrastructure in your facility can support the installation of EV charging stations. If the answer is no, proceed and make the necessary upgrades.
  • Check to see if the electricity coming into your home is sufficient to support the installation of EV chargers.
  • If you do not have control over the building, it is quite likely that you will be required to obtain approval before you can begin the process of installing electric vehicle chargers.
  • Create a structure for the user agreements that will be made with inhabitants. You may require legal representation at this time.



Many homeowners across the island of Singapore and the rest of the world now view electric vehicle charging infrastructure as more than simply an added advantage. As more and more governments commit resources to the cause of electrifying large swaths of the population, these measures will eventually be mandated. As a condominium owner, why not take advantage of the opportunity to distinguish yourself from the competition right now while also preparing for the arrival of new residents who drive electric vehicles and are likely to move to your premises?

At MNL, we not only make electric vehicle charging available to everyone by using our leading-edge industry technology, but we also save you and the other residents thousands of dollars by installing the charging stations. At MNL, our goal is straightforward: we want to make driving electric vehicles easier for people worldwide. We are achieving that aim by minimizing expenses and working to ensure that everyone can gain access to charging capabilities promptly.

Having difficulty installing charging at your apartment or condo is unnecessary because MNL makes the process simple and inexpensive. Get in touch with one of our charging specialists immediately to receive further information.

Albert Einstein once stated, “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” However, by doing so, you have the opportunity to become a part of a movement that will alter the way energy is managed in Singapore and around the world. Let’s go green, and let’s go ahead with electric vehicles.